I’ve been reading the address of His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze. Like his predecessor, His Eminence Jorge Cardinal Medina Estevez, Cardinal Arinze is also concerned about the disintegrating unity of the Latin Rite, as purposeful mistranslations distort the original Latin and irreverent tinkling with the text and evident disregard of the rubrics results in Mass confusion, pardon the pun =). I think that they should stop lamenting and do something, legislate something about it.
I think that the freeing of the Classical Roman Rite is the long awaited and long rumoured motu proprio will be a stabilizing force and a benchmark to reform the reform.
However, I also think that many people are quite happy with a reverently celebrated Novus Ordo. What attracts many people to the Classical Roman Mass, besides its beauty and transcendence, its majesty and poetic cadences, its reverence for God's Majesty and the great Mystery of Faith that is transpiring, is its inherent stability. And stability, if you ever talk to people who are forced to travel from parish to parish or endure 2 different priests in a single parish, is a scarce commodity these days.
Many priests think that the public liturgical prayer of the Church is their own personal property that they should feel free to modify at will. Many priests continually whine about
In many cities, each different
The quickie Masses in some places these days might even embarrass those old mumbled Latin Low Masses. At every Mass, even one with very poor attendance, ‘EXTRAordinary’ Ministers of Holy Communion are everywhere. Perhaps a class on the meaning of extraordinary, focusing on the extra part should be introduced in Seminary.
The Roman Canon is also seldom heard these days cos ‘Its too looo-ng’ whereas the meaningless non-related stories and jokes that Father tells don’t make the Mass too long. And I’m not even going to talk about the petitions at the
Holy Communion should be the highlight of the
I really don’t understand why we can allocate 20 minutes for a dance routine or a testimony or a long praise song but can’t wait to get Holy Communion over with. If the impatience and rush is born out of ignorance, then perhaps more catechesis is in order, not EXTRA ‘EXTRAordinary’ Ministers of Holy Communion?
Even if the only advantage of Latin is to prevent the priest from ad-libbing the prayers [cos those who like to ad-lib probably won't know enough Latin to do so and those who bothered to study Latin are probably educated enough to know better and not mess around with the church's public prayers] or sparing the laity from the ad-libbing (cos they’ll be following the correct translations from their Missals even if the priest ad-libs) it would then be worth the effort.
I plan on commenting on the address. Can’t seem to find the time yet. Look for it here soon.
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