Capuchin Fr. Joe Matthews presided as our parish priest Fr. Marshall is in the Holy Land leading a pilgrimage of some of our parishioners who are walking in the footsteps of the Lord.

Some of you might remember last year's post on Palm Sunday and remember the much larger crowd. That's because many of the people, I would estimate perhaps slightly more than half, decided not to take part in the first part of the celebration and instead remained in the Church. Sigh... I am very annoyed by this. Very. I mean what's the point of attending the Mass if you refuse to participate fully? And especially this week when we celebrate the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem and His Passion and Death. I am very annoyed. Very.
Come on folks, seriously. Jesus DIED for YOU!! Buck up a bit.

The people raising their palms while Father goes around blessing them. Isn't the green cool?

Fr. Joe proclaiming the Gospel. You might wonder about the small complement of servers. It's because of the policy of our assistant parish priest who is limited the maximum number of servers at any Mass to 7.

The procession, led by cross bearer and servers and followed by the people making it's way into the Church.

There was a Passion Play (yes, Byron, read it... PLAY) done after the homily. It was ok, I guess. People were crying, many were moved, etc. But there's one guy (early 30's) who was playing with his mobile phone. I mean come on... seriously. Messaging God? Come on... Again, Jesus DIED for YOU so please be a bit more appreciative. Again, I'm very annoyed. Normally, I sit towards the centre aisle so I am less distracted. But because most folks did not join the procession, the Church was full when we came in and I had to sit somewhere less conducive.
Sorry, but no photos of the PLAY. Because I video'd the thing and could not take a photo.
And yeah, in conjunction with the diocesan level celebrations of World Youth Day, we had a carnival to raise funds to sponsor our youth who will be going to Sydney later in the year. More on that soon.
Have to go for choir practice now... wow, the 2nd part of the Lamentations of Jeremiah is tough... the Oratio part. The first part is ok though. Wish you guys could hear it.
Wait... on second thought, drop me an email and I'll send the song to you if you're interested.
Have a good and prayerful Holy Week, y'all.
Sorry, but no photos of the PLAY. Because I video'd the thing and could not take a photo.
And yeah, in conjunction with the diocesan level celebrations of World Youth Day, we had a carnival to raise funds to sponsor our youth who will be going to Sydney later in the year. More on that soon.
Have to go for choir practice now... wow, the 2nd part of the Lamentations of Jeremiah is tough... the Oratio part. The first part is ok though. Wish you guys could hear it.
Wait... on second thought, drop me an email and I'll send the song to you if you're interested.
Have a good and prayerful Holy Week, y'all.
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Why is father wearing a black robe and not a white alb?
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