His Grace Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Soter Fernandez was present as well together with many priests and religious. It was a holiday in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and so the turnout was good too from what I hear.
Those ordained were Deacons Alan Pereira, Surain Raj, Clement Lim, Thomas Loh, CDD and Lawrence Ng, CDD at the Cathedral of St. John, Bukit Nanas. The CDD (Congregatio Discipulorum Domini) Fathers mainly serve the Chinese speaking community.
They took as their motto "Take... bless... break... give... multiply" in a reference to the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves in Mark Chapter 6.
Of course, I was not there and was working, since we don't have a holiday in Penang. After work I went to the special Mass commemorating the World Day of Consecrated Life but that's for another post.
Photo courtesy of Christopher Timothy
Anyway, here's invoking an abundance of Divine Graces on the newly ordained and in their ministry to sanctify, teach and govern the people of God entrusted to them. May God's faithfulness shine through their weakness and may He strengthen and bless those whom He has called.
Please add your prayers for them.
First, see if you can spot the priest in choir dress, ie cassock and surplice. It's a very rare sight indeed on these shores. I also noticed that the Cathedral has a new and much larger crucifix. And there also appear to be candles lit on either side of the tabernacle. Compare the photo above to the ones below taken a few years back.
How are you, Andrew? Good to pass by here again. Your site is always such a beautiful inspiration to me and gives me such hope..all of you young people there. :)
Those are not 'words' but hieroglyphs... =)
i think the priest in cassock and surplice is fr.simon yong from SFX ..a jesuit ...a rare jesuit..
ps. why nothing said about the lifting of the ex-comm? not being kpc or wat ...
Bout the ex-comm. It seems that there's a lot of rift raft goin on and there's some ppl petitioning against the decree... well anyways don't forget to petition for the pope @
I have petition for the Pope ...
the Jews can go and fly kite
when they are not busy with the muslims , they are with the Catholics ...
Thanks, Suzanne, for you kind words.
Mark, I've seen the old altar. This one is crap.
Brandon, I, like many others, rejoice at the Holy Father's paternal act of mercy and love and I'm shocked at the backlash he has received. But this is a first step, and a significant one, and I hope to one day post on the final re-integration of the entire FSSPX into the bosom of Holy Mother Church.
Oh, the priest in cassock and surplice is Fr. Michael Chua of Visitation in Seremban who was the MC.
Ok so that explains why Fr Philips used the same outfit the last ordination @ SFX
Oh ya bout the crucifix... it was replaced last year...same person who managed the toilet works construction for the Cathedral... was expecting something larger but that will do for an Tridentine Mass... but they've gotta somehow cover or fix the hollow hole below where the lights are placed to illuminate the front of the altar
The altar at St. John's is nothing to shout about. The older one definitely takes the cake. There are churches which have better looking sanctuaries like St. Anthony's in Pudu, and Holy Rosary in Brickfields.
By the way, are there any pictures of St. Mary's Church in Tapah? I would love to see pictures of that church.
Don't know what you're going on about. In the old picture, the tabernacle clearly has candles either side of it. I think they would have been better to place the smaller crucifix on the actual altar (where i should be) rather than have changed to a slighly bigger one on top of the tabernacle. It's still not big enough for that position to appropriately dominate the cathedral anyway.
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