Imagine reciting the words of the Archangel Gabriel on the spot where Gabriel himself spoke them to Mary. And after Mary's fiat, this was where Verbum caro factum est, the Word was made flesh. Amazing.
Pope Benedict prays in the Grotto of the Church of the Annunciation in the northern city of Nazareth May 14, 2009. The Church, built over the remains of Byzantine and Crusader churches in the town where Jesus grew up, contains a grotto in which, tradition says, the Virgin Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she would give birth to the Son of God.
The Pope praying Vespers in the Basilica of the AnnunciationThen imagine praying the Magnificat, the joyful prayer of praise and thanksgiving of the Most Holy Theotokos at the spot where she first spoke those words. A privilege indeed.
Are you confusing the Annunciation and the Visitation?
Hi, I'm RAnn and I'd like to invite you to participate in Sunday Snippets, a Catholic Carnival. It is a way for us to share the best of our blogs with other Catholic bloggers and blog readers. This week's host post is at and it will tell you how to participate. If you want a reminder to post, you can subscribe to our yahoogroup. Thanks, and hope to see you at Sunday Snippets.
Great blog!
I'm sure I will visit this side as often as I only find some time :)
God bless you!
greetings from Land of John Poul II always provide me with beautiful photos that help me to feel like I am right where these happenings are taking is such a blessing to come here! Honestly!
I also am very powerfully touched by the beauty and reverence of your Easter Vigil photos. Thank you so much. God bless you.
What beautiful pictures! :)
Compliments for your blog.
God bless.
Greetings brother!
I'm from Bintulu. I wish to contact you for certain question. Perhaps you can email at
I'm looking forward for you reply. Pls, contact me as soon as possible.
God bless you. In Pater, et Fillius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.
Hi Andrew,
I found your blog few days ago, and these few days I had been reading it. Interesting and informative.
I will come here frequently.
Kam Tat
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We also have free videos for download on various catholic topics, and maybe hoped that you could tell your visitors and your family and friends! They are a bit further down on the page and are quite interesting. They are very good for catholics to strengthen their faith, for protestants to come to the true faith, and for atheists to see the evidence of the Bible proving God's existance. You are free to copy all our videos on our site to your site if you like them. This can draw lots of brothers and sisters to your site. We know by experience. We hope you also read the revelations and watch our videos personally!
Peace and God bless!
I really like your blog :)
God bless!
Dominic, from Singapore
The Holy Father appears to be standing with his back to the Blessed Sacrement reserved in the tabernacle - which can clearly be seen behind him in the photo.
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