Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cemetery desecrated in Johore

In Malaysia, not even the dead can rest in peace anymore.
The pics were scanned from the Herald.

Here's the related story from the Herald:

Johore Bahru: Scores of Catholics who went to pay homage to their departed loved ones on All Souls Day were aghast and in tears when they saw the deplorable condition of the 60 year old Catholic Cemetery in Jalan Kebun Teh here.

'All Souls Day' turned out to be 'All Desecrated Day' for them.

To cause more misery to the people, the crosses, statues of angels and Our Lady adorning the tombstones were rudely hacked off, apparently with a blunt instrument, and strewn on the grass.

John Foo, the coordinator for Vietnamese migrant workers based in Ulu Tiram indicated that some ten statues and thirty crosses were destroyed. He said that those who came to the cemetery were crying uncontrollably on seeing the sight.

Foo, whose granduncle is also buried there, noted that even his late uncle's tombstone was not spared. "It was a sad sight to see families collecting the debris of the damaged statues and crosses that would cost them thousands of ringgit to fully restore", he said.

Foo had travelled all the way only to find the cemetery in this dastardly condition. He was completely dumbfounded and shocked. He hoped that the Church and the police would take proper action against the perpetrators.

Anthony Teng, 31, who was also on hand to pay homage to his great-grandparents, also expressed anger and disappointment.

He said this sort of rampant desecration is becoming common in Catholic institutions in the country and the authorities, especially the police, should apprehend and prosecute the culprits.

Teng added that he was deeply upset and annoyed and whoever had done this, did not have any respect for the dead and especially for the living.

He also called on the Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, hinduism, Sikhism (MCCBCHS) Johor Chapter to seriously consider looking into this increasing problem.

He added that the Church authorities must do something immediately, otherwise these irresponsible individuals might next target the Sg. Tiram Cemetery.

When contacted, Fr. Anthony Ng, the Chancellor of the Malacca-Johore Diocese expressed shock and sadness over the incident. He said, "We do not know who has done such a shameful act, but I hope that such incidents would not occur again", adding that he trusted that the relevant authorities would beef up security and take the necessary measures.

Fr. Ng added that he has advised the priest-in-charge of the Kebun Teh cemetery to officially lodge a police report over the incident. However, as at press time, it is not known if a police report has been lodged by the Church authorities. - Vincent D'Silva

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:48 pm

    Its was very said even its happen 2 years ago. I also got my son grave there (this year he died).We would ask the church association do something like pay some guards to guide the cemetery. The church also can do fence to make sure no body easier come in.


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