Sunday, November 26, 2006

When the Anglicans get their Boss' name wrong

When the Anglicans themselves can't spell the name of the present Archbishop of Canterbury right, you know something has gone wrong somewhere. =)

In the All Saints Anglican Church's website, thats the parish for the Anglicans in Rome, Rowan is spelled Rowen.

Here's the relevant excerpt:

Rowen William's Visit

5 November was an exciting day for All Saints Church, when Archbishop Rowen Williams came to preside and preach at our 10.30 service. St Paul's within the Walls and the Swedish Church had both closed down for the day so that their parishioners could join us. A combined All Saints-St Paul's choir sang beautifully and Wijnand van de Pol gave us as good an organ performance as we can expect this side of heaven.

Even on the front news page, they got his name wrong.

Rowen William's Visit. 5 November was an exciting day for All Saints Church, when Archbishop Rowen Williams came to preside and preach at our 10.30 service. St Paul's within the Walls and the Swedish Church had both closed down for the day so that their parishioners could join us.
I mean come on, the poor guy has been in office for a couple of years now and its not as if he's not been in the news lately trying to stop his Communion from splitting apart.

For all Catholics reading this, the name of the current Holy Father, gloriously reigning, is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

I just think its a good thing to actually know the name of the guy who's heading your Church. Unlike a certain John Kerry =)


  1. Hello; heard about this blog from Joee Blogs. It is fascinating to read about life as a Catholic in Malaysia.

    God bless the work.

  2. Hi Brendan.

    Thanks for visiting and hope to see you pop by again.

  3. Anonymous6:24 am

    Getting things wrong is one of those things Anglicans are really good at. Really, it is.

  4. Anonymous10:17 pm

    (Mr Smith was Anglican and is God willing converting to the One True Faith - laus tibi Domine! He's also a mate of mine in London - he's had his fair share of Anglican experiences)

    Yeah nice work with the blog Andrew - keep up the good work!

  5. Mr. Smith, we're waiting anxiously for you to come aboard the barque of Peter.

    Joe, do let me know when he finally comes home. Can't let the angels do all the rejoicing by themselves you know =)

    Lets help them out by popping a few beers.

  6. Anonymous7:48 am

    I'll speak to a priest at my local RC church this weekend. All good things in time.

  7. Praise God from whom all blessing flow

    Mr. Smith, I'll keep you in my prayers. I also thank God for His grace and pray that He may guide you as you strive to fulfill His will.

    But first, a Te Deum in thanksgiving for the great news =)

    We praise Thee, O God:
    we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.
    All the earth doth worship Thee:
    the Father everlasting.

    To Thee all Angels cry aloud:
    the heavens and all the powers therein.
    To Thee Cherubin and Seraphin:
    continually do cry,
    Holy, Holy, Holy:
    Lord God of Sabaoth;
    Heaven and earth are full
    of the Majesty: of Thy glory.

    The glorious company of the Apostles: praise Thee.
    The goodly fellowship of the Prophets: praise Thee.
    The noble army of Martyrs: praise Thee.

    The holy Church throughout all the
    world: doth acknowledge Thee;
    The Father: of an infinite majesty;
    Thine honourable, true: and only Son;
    Also the Holy Ghost: the Comforter.

    Thou art the King of glory: O Christ.
    Thou art the everlasting Son: of the Father.

    When thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man
    Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.

    When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death:
    Thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

    Thou sittest at the right hand of God:
    in the glory of the Father.

    We believe that Thou shalt come: to be our Judge.

    We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants:
    whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious blood.

    Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints:
    in glory everlasting.

    O Lord, save Thy people:
    and bless Thine heritage.
    Govern them:
    and lift them up for ever.

    Day by day: we magnify Thee;
    And we worship Thy Name:
    ever world without end.

    Vouchsafe, O Lord:
    to keep us this day without sin.
    O Lord, have mercy upon us:
    have mercy upon us.

    O Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us:
    as our trust is in Thee.
    O Lord, in Thee have I trusted:
    let me never be confounded.

    Know that you are in my prayers.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.