Monday, January 08, 2007

IC Altar Servers vs Jesuit Novices

After tasting the bitterness of a 11-0 defeat last year, the altar servers of the Church of the Immaculate Conception were eager and raring to get their revenge against the Jesuit Novices from Singapore.


The match was set and both teams gathered in the field of the College General Major Seminary for a titanic clash.

The Novices were led by Fr. Colin Tan, the Socius while Mark Tan led the altar servers. Camaraderie aside, both teams started to play in earnest and the goals began to pile up.


Against the altar servers, of course =)

I wisely chose to sit behind the servers' goal because there is where most of the action took place and shot after shot penetrated their defences.


If you look closely, you can see that Mark happens to always be on the ground for some reason.


The number of players fluctuated as more and more people joined the servers team, but to no avail as the goals kept piling.


During the half-time break, I suggested that the teams be mixed but the servers turned down this suggestion.

Considering last year's score, this year's 7-1 defeat was a victory or sorts. Or at least suggested some improvement. Our only goal was via a penalty shot.

Our side displayed good determination and courage despite overwhelming odds.


The faces of nonchalant victory.


And defeat.


Perhaps next year boys?

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