Monday, February 12, 2007

A Cardinal with a sense of humour.

A Cardinal with a sense of humour. I'm starting to really like this guy =)

Here's an excerpt from Cardinal Sean's blog, named, aptly, Cardinal Sean's blog.


After celebrating Mass for the retreat participants, I suggested that we take this picture for the blog. However, I introduced the idea realizing that there may be some who might not want to be in the photo. I told them that everyone except those who were in the witness protection program or who had not told their mothers or their girlfriends that they were coming to a vocation retreat, could come forward and have their picture taken. I assured them that we were only going to put it on the blog and then we were going to destroy the negatives!

1 comment:

  1. "or who had not told their mothers or their girlfriends that they were coming to a vocation retreat,.."

    What a way to find out your boyfriend wants to be a priest. LOL


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.