Sunday, February 04, 2007

Keshure's Baptism

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, I had the pleasure of seeing a friend baptized into the Body of Christ, the Church, and be received into full communion with Her. Keshure has been attending catechism classes and hanging out and helping our parish altar servers for some time now, but unfortunately, because of he was not baptized, he could not serve at God's altar.

But through the prayers of his devout mother, his Hindu father had finally withdrawn his long-standing opposition and allowed Keshure to be baptized. We had initially planned for the baptism to take place secretly despite his father's opposition, but at the last moment, permission was granted. Praise God!

The Rite took place in the evening, before Mass.
Here's some photos I took of that joyous occasion.

Although we're supposed to gather at the threshold of the Church, Father decided that we'd just do it inside, at the foot of the chancel.

The expectant Christopher. He was actually quite nervous. But I had just gone through the liturgy with him, so everything went ok, almost.
I had actually expected the Rite of Baptism for Children to be used and so practiced with that, but Father decided on the adult rite instead.

The legion of fans.

The rite begins. Father asks Christopher what he asks of God's Church.

The proud Godparents, James and Gina.

Christopher was asked to bare his heart to God for the anointing of the chest with Holy Oil.

The profession of faith.

The moment. Veni Sancte Spiritus.
I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Anointing with the Sacred Chrism.

Clothing with the white garment. In typical fashion, our pastor decided to use his stole instead of the white garment of purity.

Bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.


Receive the Light of Christ.

The happy Christopher.

Receiving the applause of family and friends, now brothers and sisters in Christ.

His proud mother Helen, receiving hearty congratulations.

The Body and Blood of Christ.
Keshure receiving Jesus, His Lord and Saviour for the first time.

Kisses all around.

Mother, sister, Godparents, Father and a busybody (extreme right, in green), lining up for a photo after Mass.

We then adjourned, in true Asian tradition, for a sumptuous dinner cum barbecue.

The following day, the Feast of St. Blaise, Keshure served Mass.
Here's what he looks like vested in an alb.


  1. Baptisms always move me. Deo Gratias! My heartiest congratulations and very best wishes!

  2. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Thank you Andrew for all these magic photos!
    It is a great boost to our hearts to see such happiness in the eyes of all these people.
    go on like this,
    That Jesus keeps you in his arms

  3. Emitte and echnaton, thanks for dropping by and for the encouragement. I'm glad you liked the photos =)

    We were all very happy indeed to receive another brother in Christ.

  4. Ad multos annos... I just got back from my trip to the eternal city with this great news. Please congratulate him for me. I will send him a rosary blessed by the Holy Father during the Wednesday audience as soon as possible. I volunteer to be his confirmation sponsor...hahaha.... Well, it's good news indeed, something to make my day here in Dublin. You should have told me earlier then I could have send him something from the Vatican itself!!! oh yes, why Christopher and not Mark???

  5. oh yes,and something needs to be done about the alb and the cincture.hehe...

  6. You can go ahead and volunteer. I gave him the Butler's book of the Saints and he chose the name himself. He actually likes Charles because he was born on the Feast of St. Charles Borromeo.

    The cassock know what we're trying to do..but it's hush hush still. Hopefully by Easter la...

    You have his address?


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.