Monday, March 26, 2007

Et incarnatus est

Today, Holy Mother Church commemorates the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. This year the feast got bumped because it fell on a Sunday, which, as a memorial of the Resurrection, takes precedence.

Ecce ancilla Domini. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

The rubrics specify that all genuflect at the 'et incarnatus est', one of the 2 times in the year when the obligatory pre-Pauline Missal genuflection is mandated, the other being Christmas. So, how was it done in your parish? Did you all genuflect? Do drop me a comment and let me know.

I attended Mass at the seminary Chapel which was bereft of priests as the Penitential Service was taking place at the same time at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. No genuflection =(


  1. No, sadly... I only remembered afterwards.

    (No, Fr Tim hasn't gone all trendy... we had a supply priest as Fr Tim is teaching at the seminary today!)

  2. surprise surprise... I attended mass at college, cause the last solemnity, St. Joseph, I attended University church and they didnt even sing the Gloria. This time at college, we did recite the Gloria, but we didnt recite the creed at all!!!

  3. hehe... no genuflection at the Anunciation nor at Christmas in my parish...

  4. Hmm... the priest at the Mass I attended even forgot to say the creed, until the end of the Mass! Needless to say, no genuflection, but some of us bowed at "et incarnatus est".

  5. I attended a Latin Mass held in honor of the Annunciation.

    Fr. Augustine, "Actually, we are supposed to geneflect at 'et incarnatus est' nowadays you people forget. When I was young we remembered. The Church in her wisdom prescribes genuflection.", he added, "recall and recite the Angelus".

  6. Anonymous6:38 am

    We genuflected here in Eastbouren - Fr Seamus reminded us.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.