Thursday, April 19, 2007

Guess who got elected Pope 2 years ago today?

Alois. Joseph Alois.

A humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. Joseph Alois Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.

How many of you knew his middle name was Alois?
Come on... =)

Taken from Exsurge Domine.

Today we celebrate the Anniversary of the Election of Pope Benedict XVI, just a few days after his birthday.. God bless the Pope!!! Viva il Papa!!!

Here, through the pictures, I hope you may "re-experiencing" what happened 2 years ago...

White smoke rose above the Sistine Chapel followed by the ringing of bells ten minutes later. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had been elected after four ballots.

"Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam: Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum, Dominum Josephum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Ratzinger qui sibi nomen imposuit Benedictum XVI"

"I leave from where the apostle arrived."

"I too hope in this short reign to be a man of peace." Explaining to the cardinals his choice of name after Pope Benedict XV who worked against World War I.

“Dear brothers and sisters after the great Pope, John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the Lord's vineyard. The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the resurrected Lord, we go on with his help. He is going to help us and Mary will be on our side. Thank you”

The Urbi et Orbi
Sancti Apostoli Petrus et Paulus, de quorum potestate et auctoritate confidimus, ipsi intercedant pro nobis ad Dominum.

Precibus et meritis beatæ Mariae semper Virginis, beati Michaelis Archangeli, beati Ioannis Baptistæ et sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et omnium Sanctorum misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus et dimissis omnibus peccatis vestris, perducat vos Iesus Christus ad vitam æternam.

Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium verae et fructuosae penitentiæ, cor semper penitens et emendationem vitae, gratiam et consolationem sancti Spiritus et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus, tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

Et benedictio Dei omnipotentis: Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper.

for English translation of Urbi et Orbi, click here

"As the trend in the ballots slowly made me realize that — in a manner of speaking the guillotine would fall on me — I started to feel quite dizzy. I thought that I had done my life's work and could now hope to live out my days in peace. I told the Lord with deep conviction, 'Don't do this to me. You have younger and better (candidates) who could take up this great task with a totally different energy and with different strength.' Evidently, this time he didn't listen to me."

Well, I hope this brought back the memories of a not so long distant past. Once again, LONG LIVE THE POPE!!!

Long live the Pope!
His praises sound
Again and yet again:
His rule is over space and time:
His throne the heart of men:
All hail! The Shepherd Pope of Rome,
The theme of loving song:
Let all the earth his glory sing
And heav’n the strain prolong.

Beleaguered by
By the foes of earth,
Beset by hosts of hell,
He guards the loyal flock of Christ,
A watchful sentinel:
And yet, amid the din and strife,
The clash of mace and sword,
He bears alone the Shepherd Staff,
The champion of the Lord.

Then raise the chant,
With heart and voice,
In Church & school & home:
"Long live the Shepherd of the Flock!
Long live the Pope of Rome!"
Almighty Father bless his work,
Protect him in his ways,
Receive his prayer, fulfill his hopes,
And grant him length of days!

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