Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Bangkok Post

This post was written in Bangkok, while the folks around me are havin their meeting. Unfortunately, the LAN port on the laptop that I am seems to be malfunctioning so even though I have broadband here in front of me, I can’t use it. Sigh… this has been quite frustrating.

Anyway, all of the photos were taken yesterday. The one below shows the Bangkok sky as we made our way through massive traffic jams to head back to our hotel. It was an hour of total gridlock. But before we hit the jams, the driver was driving at breakneck speeds on the main outer ring road leading into Bangkok from the industrial area.

Bangkok is really really flat, as far as the eye can see. I however, really like the hills as Penang has lots of hills. And the sea. I love the sea. Chiang Mai, up in the hilly north is more my kinda city as it reminds me of Penang. Hmmm...does anyone notice a trend here?

I really love Penang. Shortly after by birth, I was taken up to Penang and have live there ever since. I can actually count the days I have spend away from Penang. It totals less than a month out of 26 years, if you're wondering.

Penang is my Tol Eressea, the lonely isle in sight of Valinor, heaven, where I hope to dwell one day. But in the meantime, Penang will do.

Bangkok is a major metropolitan city with about 8 million people. And it shows with the rush of traffic and cars and noise. Yikes! I definitely can't stay here for long. I sure as hell can't live here.

Anyway, I took some photos of the hotel where we stayed in yesterday. The Dusit Thani, Bangkok. Posh. Real posh. And it was bloody expensive, at about 150 US dollars a night.

Nice bed. And the pillows were so fluffy. Needless to say, I slept, not like a baby, but like a newborn’s mother whose baby went off for the weekend.

Check out the bathroom. Neat eh? There was even an aromatherapy thingy lighted when I came back. Cool.

I've swiped the soaps and shampoos so drop me a message and I'll share my stash when I get back. =)

I would write more but at the moment, all I can think of is getting under the covers and dream. Care to guess where I'll be dreamin of? =)

The bed beckons.


  1. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Penang sounds wonderful!

  2. yes it is!
    i live in Penang too.

    Andrew the *green eyed monster* in me is activating...

  3. Anonymous3:38 am

    Love the hotel, enjoy. Reminded me of a wonderful hotel, the Hotel Grand Mer in Okinawa. Posh, although not near so lovely as yours!

  4. Mrs. Parkes, Penang is indeed beautiful and I am blessed to stay there. It's not called the Pearl of the Orient for nothing. Do come and visit and we'll show you a great time! With Andrew and the kids too.

    Shellie, this hotel is the poshest I've stayed in yet...there's a glass shower room which I forgot to photograph. Cool!

  5. ¡How nice, what a comfort!


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