Monday, May 07, 2007

Dr. Francis J. Beckwith, President of the Evangelical Theological Society returns to the Catholic Church

Dr Francis J. Beckwith, Associate Professor of Church-State Studies at Baylor University and, until a couple of days ago, President of the Evangelical Theological Society, has returned to full communion with the Catholic Church.

The Evangelical Theological Society defines itself as:

"a professional society of Biblical scholars, teachers, pastors and others involved in the evangelical scholarship serving Christ and His Church"

Dr. Beckwith is a prominent philosopher and theologian and we rejoice at his coming home to the Church. Dr. Beckwith was raised in the Catholic Church but left the Church for evangelicalism in his youth. You can check out his story on his blog here. I felt that he has handled the sensitive matter of his return to the Church and his presidency of the ETS with grace and decorum.

Do drop him a message of support.

Via Pontifications.

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