Friday, July 06, 2007

Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday morning, His Lordship, the Right Rev. Antony Selvanayagam, the Bishop of Penang will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on 28 young men and women, sealing them with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Bishop practising his slap

I ask you to pray for them, as they renew their baptismal promises, made on their behalf by their parents many years ago. I pray that the Holy Spirit will descend upon them in power and enable them to live out the Christian faith to the full.

Prayer over the confirmands. The good brass candlesticks, the ornate book holder and the red and gold antependium which I designed for the Penang Diocesan Golden Jubilee were trotted out for the occasion.

Here are some photos from last year's ceremony, which also coincided with the installation of our new parish priest, Fr. Marshall Fernandez, the bearded one.


Fr. Marshall and His Lordship signing the instrument of transfer.


The photo below shows Fr. Marshall exchanging the fraternal kiss of peace.


We were honoured last year, with the presence of His Grace Archbishop Soter Fernandez, the Emeritus Archbishop pf Kuala Lumpur, Fr. Ross Naylor, the Chaplain to the Australian Air Force based in Penang, besides our assistant parish priest, Fr. Mark Michael.



  1. I hope the new Motu Proprio will make a difference in your country!

  2. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Wonderful pictures! Sounds also like your grandmother was one of 8 girls & 2 boys like my own!

    God bless


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.