Monday, August 13, 2007

Deo juvante's visit to Penang

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I had been down with a bad flu which knocked me out. I'm was also working on repainting one of the rooms in my house while my grandmother was away. She was been in KL to visit my brother's new house and was supposed to go to Singapore with my mother to visit one of her sisters who is sick. Unfortunately, my mother had a mild heart attack and had to be warded and my grandmother's trip to Singapore had to be postponed.

This led to some panic on my part as the house was in a mess and the painting was not completed as I had not expected her back to early and the rush plus the hazy weather had been too much and I succumbed to the flue.

On the bright side however, I did manage to visit Balik Pulau on the island to celebrate Fr. Peter Shyu's Golden Anniversary of his sacerdotal ordination. More on this tmrw. I also had the honour of meeting up with blogger Deo Juvante on his trip to Penang and has the pleasure of showing him around our beautiful island.

He has the complete report on his blog, but I'd like to share some photos (copyrighted to him) with you.

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The photo above shows the view of Penang from Penang Hill, the highest point on the island. He was very fortunate to have been able to get such great weather as the forest fires in Indonesia had caused a hazy smog to envelop much of the island resulting is much reduced visibility.

I met up with Deo Juvante on Saturday morning and took him for a tour of some of the Churches and chapels in the vicinity.

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The Altar of the Church of St. Francis Xavier

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The chancel of the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows

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The Blessed Sacrament Chapel at my parish of the Immaculate Conception

Not pictured in the former Cathedral of the Assumption where I plan to attend Mass this Wednesday.

When I brought him to my parish, besides a Scripture session and a Society of St. Vincent de Paul retreat, a Methodist funeral was taking place inside our Church. It was conducted by various pastors from the different independent communities in Penang. Apparently, after our parish priest refused permission, they approached the Bishop directly who overruled him and permitted the funeral to be celebrated in our Church for reasons of space. Hmmm...

Anyway we then had lunch at the famous Fatty Loh Chicken Rice restaurant. Yummy...

I also took him to visit the chapel of the FMDM sisters at Mt. Miriam Hospital. En route, we stopped by my humble house where Furry, my dog, met his acquaintance. We then visited the College General Major Seminary. The seminarians were in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart having their Holy Hour.

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Overall, it was a good and productive trip and I hope Deo Juvante had a great time and look forward to receive him again when he comes for another trip.

If anyone of you out there are coming to Penang, please feel free to drop me a message and we'll meet up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, my new blog is at God bless!


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.