Friday, September 07, 2007


The contents have been removed. The comments remain.


  1. An extract of the letter I sent to my Diocese's 'Catholic News' regarding Sung Masses or Missa in Cantu can be found here: I is unfortunate that the editor choose not to publish it...

  2. Indeed Father has a very good voice. However, I still think English is not suitable to be used in chant, it still kinda sounds weird. However, this is way much better than the 'sung' EP I've heard at St. John's Cathedral before. Instead of sounding like chant, it sounded more like a bad adaptation from some sentimental love song. Urrgh.

  3. Anonymous10:02 am

    Not every priest can sing Andrew. A couple of weeks ago we had Fr Chris singing parts of the Mass and I remember Fr Jude Mirinda intoning the Gospel at one of the masses. They were great but then as I said earlier not everyone can sing. Some of them can even start off the Gloria leaving the Cantor to do that.

  4. Anonymous10:46 am

    Andrew I am upset with you. I took for granted that you would have got Fr. GT's permission b4 you posted the video on YouTube. I am sure he would not have objected. The least you could have done is to at least inform him. If you value my advice I think you owe him an apology

  5. Hymn Selector, thanks for your opinion. I too think Latin the more beautiful and transcendent language, although for prefaces, if I don't have my missal with me, the English is more comprehensible.

    Uncle Greg, I apologize for the oversight. I will contact him post haste and remove the video.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.