Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why Hell Exists

Otherwise, where do you put people like this?

Man urinates on dying woman, declaring it 'YouTube material'

From the "Annals of Modern Depravity" comes this sordid story:

Shouting, "This is YouTube material!" a 27-year-old British man urinated on a dying woman who had collapsed on the street, the BBC and local Hartepool Mail and Northern Echo tell us. He also doused her with a bucket of water and covered her with shaving cream.

The woman, 50-year-old Christine Lakinski, died at the scene of pancreatic failure.

In a sad sign of the times, it was all recorded on a mobile phone.

In court, Anthony Anderson said he had smoked a joint and been drinking with two friends when they spotted Lakinski. He faces jail after pleading guilty to "outraging public decency." Sentencing is set for Oct. 22.

"We will await the outcome and just hope he gets what he deserves," Lakinski's brother said after today's court hearing.

And also

Ga. man accused of feeding kittens, cats to pit bull


Here's another item from our "Annals of Modern Depravity," if you dare.

A 21-year-old Georgia man is accused of capturing kittens and cats and feeding them to his pit bull.

Tye Hilmo was charged today with aggravated cruelty to animals, a felony. If convicted, he faces one to five years in the human pen and/or a fine of up to $15,000.

"It's sick," said Stacey Bourbonnais of the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department. "It's indescribable and sick that people would do this kind of thing to and with animals."

No dog-fighting charges have been filed. But Hilmo is sitting in jail on drug and weapons counts resulting from his Sept. 10 arrest after police investigated animal-cruelty charges. Here's a list of charges.

H/T: Gerald.


  1. Anonymous5:32 pm

    It's the nazi mentality & depravity alive & kicking..

  2. Someone needs to put a bullet on the first person's head -- if such filth can be called a person-- soon. I'm sorry if this sounds so uncharitable, Andrew, but this is simply despicable. No words can describe the barbarity of such an act.

    As to the second guy, well, I'll just say that it's such a misfortune the Romans dismantled gladiator fights, LOL.

  3. Anonymous6:16 am

    Romans may have dismantled the gladiator fights but you can still get them in good old U.S of A in the form of what they call wrestling shows. IMHO you can add them to the above list

  4. Sometimes, just when I think I can't be shocked any further, things like this happen...


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.