Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bloggers Choice Awards 2008

I got nominated Best Religion Blog!

Many thanks to those who had taken the time to cast their votes for me for the 2007 Bloggers Choice Awards. I'm humbled and honoured.

It turns out that I received a total of 26 votes and was on page 10 under the Best Religion Blog category. Which was pretty good considering the many great blogs out there and I'm happy to be in such illustrious company. Many thanks to those who voted for me.

But the voting for 2008 awards is now open and if you like this blog, have found it interesting or informative and have the time, do click here or on the logo below to cast your vote. You can also vote by clicking the logo on top of the sidebar at anytime. Do also vote for the many other great Catholic blogs out there, of which many can be found on my sidebar.

I got nominated Best Religion Blog!

Thanks a bunch!

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If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.