Friday, October 19, 2007

The New Building in front of the Basilica of Fatima

Because our good friend Arch had such tender words (which I share) for the new building which was constructed in front of the Basilica of Fatima, I'm posting this series of photos showing the dedication of the building by Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State on the 12th of Oct this year.

Endure... err.. I mean enjoy =)

A veritable icon of inculturation, if there ever was one. Inculturation of alien culture, that is. Although the intent of the architect was not to overshadow the Basilica, but still.... is this the best they could come up with?

The appeal of Holy Father Benedict XVI: “Never forget the Pope!”

At the Shrine of Fatima, on the morning of October 14th, a time of great joy was had in union with Holy Father Benedict XVI, at the conclusion of the celebrations commemorative of the 90th Anniversary of the Apparitions. The International Mass, celebrated in Most Holy Trinity Church, after a procession with the Statue of Our Lady from the Little Chapel of Apparitions, was presided over by the Secretary of State of the Vatican, His Eminence Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

The Holy Mass was attended by 38 groups of pilgrims from 15 countries and a lot of parishioners from parishes neighboring the Shrine of Fatima.
Thousands of other pilgrims, which the new church couldn’t welcome despite having almost nine thousand seats, followed the ceremonies on television screens placed outside the new church.
At the end of Mass, with the help of the media, in this case the television, the faithful present in Fatima welcomed with great joy the television images coming from St. Peter’s Square, during the Angelus prayer led by Holy Father Benedict XVI.

It was an emotional time lived spiritually and fraternally in several countries, which was made possible by live television broadcasting.

Speaking in Portuguese, the Holy Father said: “I willingly extend to all those pilgrims gathered at the Shrine of Fatima, Portugal, this Blessing of Mine given to all those praying here with Me the Angelus prayer – whether physically present or united to Us by the media. There (in Fatima), since ninety years ago, the appeals of the Virgin Mother continue to echo, calling Her children to live their own baptismal consecration at every minute of their lives. Everything becomes possible and easier if we live that entrustment to Mary made by Jesus Himself on the Cross, when He said: “Woman, behold Your son!” She is the refuge and the way which leads to God. The daily recitation of the Rosary is the tangible sign of that entrustment.

While I salute the Pontifical Legate, His Eminence Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, the Most Reverend Bishop of Leiria-Fatima and all the Portuguese Bishops, as well as all the other bishops present and each and every pilgrim of Fatima, let me urge everybody to renew personally their own consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to live this act of devotion by a live ever more conformed to the Divine Will and in spirit of filial service and devoted imitation of their Heavenly Queen. Never forget the Pope!”

You can read more about it here:
1Church of the Most Holy Trinity – Iconography
Prototype of the Crucifix of the altar of Most Holy Trinity Church by Catherine Green, Ireland Artists...
2Main Entrance – Main Door and Side Upper Panels, by Pedro Calapez
In interview to the Press Center of the Shrine of Fatima, Portuguese plastic artist Pedro Calapez, author...
3First Stone, donated by John Paul II, will stay in front of the Altar
Since the Shrine of Fatima thought that the First Stone of Most Holy Trinity Church, donated...
4Interview of the author of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, the Architect Alexandros Tombazis
In interview to the Press Center of the Shrine of Fatima, the author of the project of Most Holy Trinity...


  1. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Andrew, are you sure you got the images right here? That... thing can't be the new devotional building, surely? It looks like the architectural bastard child of an air freshener and a toilet block. What on earth is going on at Fatima?

  2. Anonymous2:13 am

    Thanks for all the info..i was a bit offended by the previous comment!

  3. Thanks for all the posts on Fatima!

  4. Anonymous9:42 pm

    "Thanks for all the posts on Fatima!"

    I'll second that. Thanks, Andrew. It's always good to read about Fatima.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.