Thursday, November 01, 2007

All Saints

It's been a busy week. I was up late last night and attended a morning Mass at seven for the Solemnity of All Saints, so I'm a bit sleepy and kinda blur. One great thing I noticed this morning was that it's great that in Malaysia at least, many of the people still take care to attend Holy Days of Obligation and the Church was full, and will be at the Mass in the evening as well is my previous recollections are correct. Many other Churches including the Cathedral will have at least 2 or 3 Masses and even perhaps one during the lunch break to accommodate those who wish to attend. I don't recall whether there was an anticipated Mass last night but in my parish, that used to be an option. The evening Mass has now been transferred to the evening of the actual feast itself. I'm not sure how appropriate this is since First Vespers was celebrated the night before.

All of us are called to be saints but specifically, we commemorate today that great cloud of witnesses, as the Book of Hebrews calls them, that surround God's Throne in Heaven, those who have already run the race and kept the faith. These same men and women had endured all we have endured, and then some. They understand our joys, pains and sorrows and so we invoke their aid, prayers and intercessions before God, for ourselves and for the Church Militant so that we may all join them, the Church Triumphant, in Heaven.

vToday is also the feast of our potential and our goal and so I wish all of you a Happy Feast. If you have the time, perhaps you'd like to read this post about the biblical justification of the Communion of the Saints and how our understanding of this effects our perception of God.

Tomorrow is another long day with Mass in the morning followed by the blessing of our parish cemetery. In the evening, I'll be visiting the Western Road Catholic Cemetery, our diocesan cemetery, where my grandfather and great grandfather are buried.

My previous post on the cemetery can be found here.

Anyway, Happy All Saints and may the prayers of the saints be with you.


  1. Anonymous11:25 pm

    Beautiful post Andrew..

  2. Anonymous7:50 pm

    hallelujah...hello there, would you like to come and visit the True Jesus Church? Give yourself a chance to TRULY know God deeper.I am looking forward to yr reply.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.