Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Surely you kid?

Haha... this blog has been nominated in Kat's Cannonball Awards (for the little, under appreciated blogs, like this one) in the, get this, Best Potpourri of Popery. Hmmm... potpourri? This blog's papistic popish pontifications have at last been recognized hahaha (insert evil laugh and background thunder and lightning here).

Actually, the Catholic blog awards just passed. But it happened during Holy Week, which was a very busy time for me, so I did not do a shout out here.

But, I'm rather free now... quite... so, if you feel that Unam Sanctam deserves your vote in the Best Potpourri of Popery category for it's papal fidelity and coverage of papal events, scoot over to Kat's place and scroll down the sidebar until you reach the end and vote of Unam Sanctam there!

Don't forget to vote! No taxation without representation! Bourgeois of the World, unite! ... and all that. (I'm high on caffeine, if you can't already tell)
Viva el Papa!

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If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.