Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bring Flowers of the Rarest

Because this is the month of May, the month of Our Lady. Throughout the month of May, the Holy Rosary is prayed before each Mass. The Confirmation class I teach had their session earlier on (but I forgot to take photos). The servers did it last Sunday, led by Mark. It was nice having the cassocked servers lead the people in the rosary. The attendance for the rosary for the weekend Masses is very good.



On the 13th of every month, we normally have a rosary and Mass at the outdoor shrine of Our Lady.


This month, the rosary and Mass was held in the Church.


On that day, during the the evening weekday Mass, IC parish also celebrated and honoured all our healthcare workers and all the doctors and nurses who attended the Mass were called up to take a pledge to defend the sanctity of life and to perform their duties to the best of their abilities.


The parish of the Immaculate Conception includes within its bounds 7 major hospitals including the Penang General Hospital which is the 2nd largest hospital in Malaysia. The hospital visits keeps the parish priest very busy so the ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is an important and very necessary one in this parish to visit the sick and the homebound and to give them Holy Communion.


Fr. Marshall then blessed them with Holy Water.


Grandma took a moment to pray at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima after the Mass.



If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.