Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Of course, besides camps, other activities are also helpful to prepare the youth and integrate them into the life of the parish community.


This car wash was organized to raise funds for the youth who are participating in the World Youth Day in Sydney.


Of course, it soon degenerated into an all out water fight.


During their last year of catechism, we also had 2 camps. The Confirmation Initiation Camp, which doesn't really initiate anyone into anything particularly, was designed as a bonding camp where the youth, who although they have journeyed together for many years do not really know each other that well, might get to know each other better and have fun.


So there were lots of games and activities.




And other 'interesting' sessions which allowed them to just be themselves and let loose.








And then we had the final Confirmation Camp where the students recapped their faith and where the bonding truly showed.



Exercise is an important feature of such camps. Especially when done by others and not me.



The camaraderie and friendships developed during these camps transformed these disparate characters into a truly cohesive groups of people.


And more bonding and fun on the beach doesn't hurt either.




It's been one heck of a year and I really enjoyed it. I hope that the kids did too. I don't regret taking this class. It has been a tough and gruelling year, with many obstacles, some completely unnecessary, put in our path. But with my great co-teacher Lillian and the support of the parish priest, Fr. Marshall, we pulled through. I hope the kids enjoyed the ride as much as I did.

Tomorrow, my last post on these kids and hopefully, the following day will see the post of the Mass at which the Sacrament of Confirmation was imposed. It was a great celebration and I hope you'll all enjoy it.


  1. Anonymous4:09 pm

    The problem with the church in Malaysia is the influx of liberals. No clerical dressing , no respect for the eucharist , inculturation. Why have 3 masses in English , Tamil & Mandarin when you can do it all in Latin at one go.

  2. Dear friend from Selangor. All I can say is that you are not alone in having those sentiments.

    But where should the blame lie? At the hands of those who form the faith of the young? At the hands of the Cure of Souls? At the hands of the Bishops? The Holy Father himself for not exercising sufficient vigilance?

    With all those factors beyond our control, what can you and I do to help? For what I did, come back tmrw and check out the post. Do let me know what you are doing too as this must be a joint effort of many hands that will make this burden lighter for all of us.

  3. Anonymous9:53 am

    Dear Andrew,

    What I am doing? Apart from writing to bishops /priest about liturgical abusers , I am also trying to get FSSP into Malaysia but sadly the bishops of Malaysia are against it. So there you go tridentine latin in the Novus ordo but it is ok to have all types of inculturation or innovation in the liturgy.

    Pray ....that is most important ...

    Bishops/priest must lead by example. I know of some priest that instead of saying their night prayers...are bz in some pubs having fun ...

  4. Dear friend from Selangor.

    I invite you to correspond with me. My gmail address username is the same as my blogspot username.

    My advice is not to antagonize the bishops and priests too much. The bishops do not favour religious orders. Not even Opus Dei, much less the FSSP.

    Let me paraphrase a quote to you from Nelson Mandela's biagraphy, Long Walk to Freedom. He writes of his experiences in prison on Robben Island:

    "If you're cold at night, you can write to the President, the Prisons Minister or the Director of Prisons or the Commandant to ask for an extra blanket. And they will all respond to you 'We can't give you because it would set a precedent and all the other prisoners will ask for special treatment'. But if you ask the guard on duty nicely, he'll just walk to the closet and get it for you."

    The moral of the story is, work with your priests, do what you can, but do it all nicely. In this way, you'll achieve more than writing to the Vatican or stalking the Pope.

    I look forward to your correspondence.

  5. Anonymous12:05 pm

    Work with your priest is a good way if he do not start it off by calling you old fashion or a relic or why latin when nobody understand it ...

    funny not everyone understand mandarin or tamil ...when they have joint masses on feast days...

    the bishops do not favor *traditional* religious orders ....simple...opus dei or fssp are both synomous with conservatism ....

  6. Because this is a public forum, I can't say too much, but if you correspond with me, I'll share it with you. Let me be the first to assure you that none of this happened overnight and none of this was simple in the least.

    We struggled and fought long and hard to get where we are, overcoming many obstacles along the way.

    And the things we have been called, by people who should know better is best not mentioned.

    The important thing is to pray and to have the gumption and fortitude to do something, do it well and stick it out for the long haul.

    For example, if you want Latin music and the Latin ordinaries, then start your own schola cantorum, as we have done. But we have to do it and not expect others to do it for us.

    Criticism is easy, but actually getting down and dirty is tough and no joke, I can tell you.

  7. Anonymous1:24 pm

    I would contact you andrew ..

    take care

    + JMJ +


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.