Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Our newly renovated Church

General view of the Sanctuary. Big six candlesticks, stained glass windows of the Assumption in the center, and from the left, St. Peter, St. Francis Xavier, St. John the Baptist and St. Paul. In front of the main altar is the Lamb of God seated on a scroll with 7 seals.

Details from the Gothic arches above the doors and the statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Joseph on the walls. The opposite walls have the statues of St. Therese and St. Anthony.

General view of the nave. The pews are really ugly, a remnant of the Spirit of Vatican II.

The statue of Mary inside the Church flanked by stained glass windows of the Annunciation and the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

The stained glass window of the Nativity. The memorial above commemorates the Catholic dead from World War II with an inscription that reads "Their tomorrow for our today"

For those of you who don't remember, here's what the Church used to look like. It was renovated in 1970's so it was chock full of the Spirit of Vatican II.

The High Altar was really really high, as if modelled upon the Confessio of St. Peter's only there's nothing below it, just the sacristy. Note the ugly holes in the walls which was pretty trendy in the 70s. Yucks.

The sanctuary was also weirdly shaped and took up a lot of space. The entire crossing was taken up by the sanctuary. Now, pews fill the nave up to the half the crossing.

The trendy hall-like nave.

Note the tiny crosses in the walls above the doors which collected dust and would spread it around when the wind blew through it. What the heck were they thinking? Were they thinking? Old photos show stained glass above the doors.


  1. That church is just waiting for a Sung Mass!

  2. If only my granddad had lived to see the change.

    I can only imagine the hard work and grumblings and arguings that have gone into this transformation.

    BTW: I quite like the pews, the book shelf in them fits the Penang essentials; an umbrella and an emergency bottle of water;-)

  3. Thx, Fr. D.

    Joshua, when are u finishing your med studies/European your and coming back to join us? We have a choir robe waiting for you!

    Rita, the trademark banging kneelers during the Sanctus has to go! I can only imagine the increase in the churchiness once solid wooden pews are brought back in.

  4. Awesome transformation! When is the mosaic on the ceiling above the Sanctuary coming in? ;-)

  5. Andrew, will solid wooden pews be put in?

  6. I most certainly hope so Anthony. But there is opposition from people who actually like these pews.

    Paul, when the Good Lord sees fit to give me the first prize of the lottery. Besides the great Cathedral I promised him, and a new Seminary and Novitiate and Church for the IVE in the Philippines, a new mosaic on our ceiling is certainly one of the things I'm looking at =) Come on Lord! Give it!

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