Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sights from Maundy Thursday

Since I lost my camera several years back, which prevented me from taking photos and thus demotivating me from writing, this blog has been rather stagnant. However, some photos were taken from the recent Maundy Thursday celebration and I thought I'd post them here.

It was certainly a solemn celebration, with the Gloria making a welcome comeback, to the ringing of bells. 12 men were chosen for the washing of the feet as the photos above depict. Our himility was MC and assisting the priest.

After Mass, the people processed into the Hall where an altar of repose was constructed to enable the people to keep vigil with the Lord on the night before He suffered and died.

A good number of people turned up which was a very encouraging sign. There were many visitors as well who performed the traditional 'visita iglesia' and the crowd filled almost all the seats for the final reposition of the Blessed Sacrament at midnight.


  1. Welcome back, Andrew!

  2. Glad to be back and hoping it's a more permanent return =)

  3. Hello Andrew, I'm John Prashaath from KL. I've just came across your blog and you seem to like Tradition of the Church a lot. hehehe

    I go to the Traditional Form of the Mass every Sunday at KL. Have you been to the Traditional Latin Mass before?

    I would like to have a conversation with you. Please contact me through my email address: prashaathnair@gmail.com

    Thank you and God bless!


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.