We believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Greek Orthodox Archbishop enthroned
Metropolitan Hieronymos of Thebes, was officially elected head of the Orthodox Church of Greece a week back to succeed Archbishop Christodoulos who died on cancer.
He was officially enthroned in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens.
Let me tell you a bit about myself and my beliefs.
I am firstly a Christian.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and my God, my Saviour and my all in all.
By His Passion,
His Death,
and His Resurrection into Glory,
The Lord Jesus has atoned for our sins and opened for us the Gates of Paradise.
I am striving everyday to conform myself to His will for me and am working out my salvation with fear and trembling while looking forward to the Parousia
when Christ shall come to judge the world with Fire. May He have mercy on me, a sinner.
Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genitrix
Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God is my mother too.
We honour She, whom God honours
and no matter how we try, we can’t surpass the honours bestowed on her by God her Creator.
Mary, my mother, Pray for me
Sts. Peter and Paul are my favourite Saints
especially Pope St. Peter, because they show what God can do with simple and stubborn people if they allow his grace to work.
St. Andrew the Protocletos is my Patron Saint
The First-Called Apostle, it was St. Andrew who said: "We have found the Messiah"
and brought St. Peter to him.
Now, my beliefs.
I’m a Catholic who holds and teaches the Catholic Faith that comes to us from the Apostles.
I pledge obedience to
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
The Successor to St. Peter
Vicar of Jesus Christ
Servant of the Servants of God.
I love and admire his predecessor of beloved memory,
His Holiness Pope John Paul the Great.
I pray daily for his swift canonization, Deo volente.
His life,
His example
His teaching
and his death
have all left a deep and lasting impression on me.
I struggle daily to live up to the ideals he exemplified,
as he strived to follow Christ His Master, the Good Shepherd.
I belong to the Diocese of Penang, Malaysia.
The Church of the Immaculate Conception,
Pulau Tikus is my Parish Church
I think the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass should be celebrated reverently and oriented towards the Lord,
Who Alone should be the focus of the worship of His people.
The Mass in Latin should be normative in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church
and Gregorian Chant should have pride of place,
as decreed by the 2nd Vatican Council in Sacrosanctum Concilium.
There should be perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
as a foretaste of the eternal worship of the Lamb in Heaven.
I think we should have more public processions to bring Christ and the Faith to the people.
I think that His Holiness, Pope Pius XII of blessed memory should be canonized immediately
for his bravery in the face of Nazism and Communism
and his fidelity to God and His Church.
Here are some of my favourite Popes.
Pope Boniface VIII
Who promulgated the document from which this blog takes its name.
Pope St. Pius V
Ora pro nobis
Who codified the Roman Missal after the Council of Trent and promulgated Quo Primum.
And in modern times, we have been blessed with the heroic pontificates of
Pope St. Pius X
Ora pro nobis
Who promulgated Pascendi and the prophetic Oath Against Modernism.
I think abortion is the murder
of the most helpless among us.
Pray for the Church in China and the canonization of one of her most faithful sons,
Ignatius Cardinal Kung
The late Bishop of Shanghai
Our Lady Empress of China
Ora pro nobis
Our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI
Gloriously Reigning
Oremus pro Pontifice nostro, Benedicto
Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum ejus.
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