The corrected post below.
The previous Friday, we had the privilege of attending the Ordination of Deacon Matthew Bun to the Sacred Priesthood. His is a special case as although he is from the diocese of Penang in the north, he will be serving in the neighbouring southern diocese of Malacca-Johore instead.

The seminarians.

The priests. Including clergy from Fr. Bun's new home, Malacca-Johore.
Fr. Matthew had his seminary training in Taiwan where Mandarin is spoken and spent some time at the local seminary after his return from Taiwan, to familiarize himself with the local Church. We has posted to my parish of the Immaculate Conception for a while and had sessions with the young people where he fielded questions. Good effort.
I also saw him during the many times I attended Mass the seminary chapel. In our conversations, he strikes me as an orthodox and solid Catholic.
I also saw him during the many times I attended Mass the seminary chapel. In our conversations, he strikes me as an orthodox and solid Catholic.

The ordinand.
He had requested permission from the Bishop of Penang to be ordained in his cathedral which is also Fr. Bun's home parish. The Bishop agreed. The ordaining bishop, however is the Bishop Paul Tan, SJ of Malacca-Johore.

The Bishop of Penang, His Lordship Antony Selvanayagam.

Present also were bishops Paul Tan, SJ of Malacca-Johore, Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Soter Fernandez of Kuala Lumpur and Bishop Emeritus James Chan of Malacca-Johore who sent Fr. Bun on his way to seminary. The VG's of Penang and MJ were there as well.

The Jesuit Bishop Paul Tan is the only Malaysian Bishop to wear his skullcap, or perhaps the only Malaysian bishop to even possess it. He was the General Assistant for the Jesuit Assistancy of East Asia and Oceania and worked in the Jesuit curia in Rome before being appointed bishop. A scholarly man, he was actively involved in ecumenism, having co-founded the Christian Federation of Malaysia which groups the Catholic Church with the Council of Churches, Malaysia (mainline Protestants) and the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship. He was also instrumental in founding the Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism which represents and speaks for the non-Muslim population.

Bishop Paul Tan calling the candidate, above and Deacon Matthew Bun answering the call, below.

The instruction of the candidate replaced the homily. It was read by Bishop Paul with deacon Matthew listening attentively at his side.
“My son, you are now to be advanced to the Order of the Presbyterate. You must apply your energies to the duty of teaching in the name of Christ. Share with all mankind the word of God, meditate on the law of god, believe what you read, teach what you believe and put into practice what you teach.”

Accepting the promise of obedience.

The Litany of the Saints, above. Deacon Matthew is prostrate as the Bishop prays over him, below.

Next, we come to the key moment, the laying on of hands, where the Bishops and priests present lay hands of the candidate. Bishop Paul Tan, above, and Bishop Antony Selva below, lead the procession.

Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Soter Fernandez and Bishop Emeritus James Chan, above, and Msgr. Sebastian Francis and Fr. Bun's seminary rector in Taiwan, below.

The selection of photos below show the priests performing the laying on of hands.

Check out the alb on the last priest above.

The bishops and priests, with hands outstretched, await the completion of the laying of hands.

After the laying of hands was complete, the Bishop prayed the Prayer of Ordination, raising Deacon Matthew to the priesthood.

More photos coming up in part 2, soon.
Ad multos Annos!
Beautiful pictures..
Nice to see Paul wearing the white mitre. I wonder why the other bishops didn't wear any... and Yellow!!! Oh yes, and Fabian with his beard is a sight to behold.
Do read my version of the report of the Ordination and an interview with the Matthew in the Herald soon to come
Do read my version of the report of the Ordination and an interview with the Matthew in the Herald soon to come
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