These are the faithful in Korea.

A candlelight procession in honour of Our Lord or the Blessed Virgin?

Go on, guess what this is.

Actually, .... :
Roman Catholic priests participate in a special service as part of protest against South Korean government's policy toward U.S. beef imports in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, June 30, 2008. South Korean police on Monday raided the offices of civic groups that have led weeks of protests against a government plan to resume U.S. beef imports. The letters read ' Resignation of President Lee Myung-bak'.
(AP Photo/Yonhap, Park Ji-ho)
A missionary priest told me that the three countries with the highest number of Catholic priests per head of the Catholic population are Poland, S Korea and the UK. Judging by these pictures only one of these 3 countries isn't in spiritual meltdown.
This is depressing! It has been referred to elsewhere as "Mad Crowd Disease"- Western Confucian's blog.
A Bishop I know once gave the following sermon: The parable of the Good Samaritan doesn't have at it's heart a campaign for better street lighting or more punitive punishments for robbers or cheaper taverns; there are no political messages in the parables, there are no political messages in the Gospels.
Hi Andrew,
You may like to check out more photos of Mons. Yong's funeral at the address below...
hahahaha....fruits of Vatican 11....
liberation technology aka south korean style ....
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