These are my authentic icons of the two great apostles, the Founders and Patrons of the Church of Rome, the Mother and Teacher of all the Churches.

St. Peter, brother of the Protocletos, St. Andrew the First-Called, the Great Coryphaeus of the Apostles, Keeper of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Rock on whom Christ built His Church, the simple fisherman from Galilee.

St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, called on the Damascus Road by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to proclaim His Gospel among the nations.

These 2 saints, by their blood and witness have hallowed the City of Rome and Her Church.

St. Peter, of course, is one of my favourite saints. This statue of St. Peter on my altar shows him with the Keys of the Kingdom and a book, indicating his contribution to the Scriptures. I'm sure it would look much better with Cope and Triple Crowned Tiara. Anyone got a spare?

This humbled and unschooled fisherman, who often puts his foot in his mouth, who was very outspoken and kinda speaks before he thinks, is my hero.
This man had the courage to jump overboard in a stormy sea to go towards Christ His Master but later sank into the sea when he noticed the waves and tempests. How many times have we too wanted to leave everything and follow Christ only to be overwhelmed by the world. But when he was in trouble, he had the sense to call out to Christ to save him and in doing became a model to us. St. Peter denied Christ, but repented in bitter tears, was restored and tasked to lead Christ's Church, to lead and feed the sheep and lambs of Christ's flock.
All his faults were covered by the great love which he bored his Master, loving Him more than all his disciples. His story is one of great hope for all of us who daily fall in our own ways, who sink in the tempests and sins of our making, who deny Christ through our faults. In Peter, we have the hope that through our love for Jesus and through His love for us, we may yet triumph and return to Him in glory.
This man had the courage to jump overboard in a stormy sea to go towards Christ His Master but later sank into the sea when he noticed the waves and tempests. How many times have we too wanted to leave everything and follow Christ only to be overwhelmed by the world. But when he was in trouble, he had the sense to call out to Christ to save him and in doing became a model to us. St. Peter denied Christ, but repented in bitter tears, was restored and tasked to lead Christ's Church, to lead and feed the sheep and lambs of Christ's flock.
All his faults were covered by the great love which he bored his Master, loving Him more than all his disciples. His story is one of great hope for all of us who daily fall in our own ways, who sink in the tempests and sins of our making, who deny Christ through our faults. In Peter, we have the hope that through our love for Jesus and through His love for us, we may yet triumph and return to Him in glory.

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