Sunday, April 19, 2009

Palm Sunday 09 @ IC Penang

Better late that never, I always say. So here's what happened on Palm Sunday at IC.


The Mass began with the reading of the Gospel account of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when the crowds greeted him with palms and spread their cloaks before Him as he rode a donkey into the city.


Palms were then blessed. Fr. Decroix who joined us helped in the blessing of the Palms.



The people then made their way back into the Church singing hymns of praise to the Son of David and Hosanna to the King.



We had a full complement of servers, which was a good thing.



Because it was World Youth Day, the choir, readers and ushers were all young people from my confirmation class this year. I thought they did a good job, with the music and the singing and in the reading as well, so kudos to them.




Anonymous said...

what was the girl doing on the altar ..bowing down together with the altar servers

Andrew said...

She's one of the readers who was carrying the Book of Gospels.

Anonymous said...

she is not suppose to be there right as per the GIRM

only the altar servers and the priest is allowed


Aaron Alammalay said...

How come only the carrier of the B.O.G. is up there? I thought the practice is both lectors :)

Anonymous said...

this penang diocese is weirdlah

Bishop Anthony would have a lot of answering to do when he meets God one day ..

Andrew said...


The other lector and the EHMC's stand at be bottom of the sanctuary but do not ascend the steps. They venerate the altar with a bow from there. The lector carrying the Book of Gospels enters the sanctuary in order to place the Book of Gospels on the altar.

And about answering to God, it's an IF not a WHEN.

Anonymous said...

i just realise that your church dun have kneelers ..

or am i wrong?


Andrew said...

We have retractable individual kneelers under each seat.