Monday, February 26, 2007

The Catholic Mass Revealed!

I found this wonderful introductory catechetical resource and I would like to share this with you. Visit the website, click on the DVD and get an introduction to the Mass and all its parts, done up wonderfully with glorious pictures and music.

I found the commentary very interesting and although, as a traditionalist, I would like to see more clarity on the sacrificial aspects of the Mass, the overall presentation if pretty good. I don't like the altar girls though. In the Dioceses of Malaysia, (Addendum: barring Malacca-Johore) they are still not permitted. (Even in Malacca-Johore, though it is permitted, I haven't seen any yet.)

Anyway, give it a visit and be awed by the beauty of the Catholic Mass.

If anyone want to sponsor me a copy of the DVD and booklet, do drop me a mail! =D


  1. I believe that the diocese of Melaka-Johor has already permitted altar serviettes (as opposed to altar servers, haha!) under Bishop Paul Tan, even though it was vehemently opposed by the the late Fr. James Saw and banned by the previous Ordinary, Bishop James Chan.

  2. I do recall that permission was given by the Jesuit Bishop Paul Tan, who's the only one wearing the cassock and skullcap by the way.

    But I don't recall any parishes taking up the offer. I haven't seen any yet anyways.

  3. It was in one of the masses celebrated by the same bishop. I recall having seen pictures in the HERALD.

    P.S. His Lordship could wear the cassock and skullcap, or even the Roman chasuble with maniple for all I care, but what he allowed was truly lamentable. I still have a copy of his book written during his earlier years as Jesuit Provincial Superior defending Christianity against an attack by a Muslim author. And contrasting it with the ecumenical activities of recent years. How times have changed :(.


If you simply must insult me, try to be humorous about it at least. Thank you.