Monday, February 26, 2007

Lenten Meme

Nick, over at Mysterium-Fidei and a fellow blogger at the Mount Carmel Bloggers has tagged me for this Lenten meme. So, here it goes.

1. What is your favourite Sorrowful Mystery?

The Agony in the Garden. The Agony has always been something I've contemplated deeply about because, as we read in the account of the Temptation of Christ after his 40 day fast in the desert, Satan went away only to return at the appointed time. And in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus went to pray after the last supper, the appointed time arrived.
Image:Folio 142v - Christ in Gethsemane.jpg
Jesus was in great sorrow as he pondered the great suffering and affliction that He was about to undergo. He saw and felt the weight of the sins of the entire world, of your sins and of my sins. He was afraid. And yet, because of His great love for me and in obedience to the will of the Father, Jesus laid down His life and walked the way of the Cross.

Pater mi si non potest hic calix transire nisi bibam illum fiat voluntas tua!

In Jesus' words I find great comfort. No less than God the Son has stared in the chasm and felt great fear and sorrow, but Jesus manages to overcome that fear by fully trusting the Father's will. Even though my trials sometimes seem great and overwhelming, if I entrust them to God and try to obey his will, I am confident that He will provide.

In all things, let my cry also be 'Fiat voluntas tua'.

2. What is your favorite Station of the Cross?
The stations when Jesus falls. I've carried a half-sized cross before and I know its weight. Even half sized, and minus the scourging, the beatings, the insults, the blood loss and the hunger and thirst, I could not carry it more than a few stations.

When Jesus gets up after falling, even after all that He has been through, determined to consummate the Redemption, shows His great love for us and also the gravity and grievousness of our sins.

3. Do you fast during Lent?
Yes. Or at least I try too.

4. What is your Lenten Resolution(s)?
I resolve to walk the Stations of the Cross on Fridays. I'm going to try to abstain from my pleasures and try to offer up my afflictions to the Lord.

5. Do you use Holy Water during Lent?

6. How many times do you go to Mass during Lent?
Saturdays and Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

I tag Mark William, Joee Blogs, the Hymn Selector, Mr. Smith and The Crescat.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:13 pm

    Beautiful post! Very inspiring. I pray that your Lenten Season be a time of repentance, and that you will be ready to renew your Baptisimal promises at the Easter Vigil (Sunday) ready to serve Jesus Christ on fire for souls!


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