Let's find out more about this great saint.
A Capuchin friar, born at Cantalice, on the north-western border of the Abruzzi, he is usually represented in art as holding in his arms the Infant Jesus, because of a vision he once had, when the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and placed the Divine Child in his arms.
A friend of his having read to him the lives ot the Fathers of the Desert, Felix conceived a great desire for the eremitical life, but at the same time feared to live otherwise than under the obedience of a superior. After seeking light in prayer, he determined to ask admittance amongst the Capuchins. At first the friars hesitated to accept him, but he eventually received the habit, in 1543, at Anticoli in the Roman Province. It was not without the severest temptations that he persevered and made his profession.
The influence which he speedily gained with the Roman people is an evidence of the inherent power of personal holiness over the consciences of men. He had no learning he could not even read; yet learned theologians came to consult him upon the.science of the spiritual life and the Scriptures. Whenever he appeared in the streets of Rome vicious persons grew abased and withdrew from his sight. Sometimes Felix would stop them and earnestly exhort them to live a better life; especially did he endeavour to restrain young men. But judges and dignitaries also at times incurred his rebuke, he was no respecter of persons when it was a matter of preventing sin. On one occasion, during a Carnival, he and St. Philip Neri organized a procession with their crucifix; then came the Capuchin friars; last came Felix leading Fra Lupo, a well-known Capuchin preacher, by a rope round his neck, to represent Our Lord led to judgment by his executioners. Arrived in the middle of the revels, the procession halted and Fra Lupo preached to the people. The Carnival, with its open vice, was broken up for that year.
St. Philip Neri had a deep affection for the Capuchin lay brother, whom he once proclaimed the greatest saint then living in the Church. When St. Charles Borromeo sought St. Philip's aid in drawing up the constitutions of his Oblates, St. Philip took him to St. Felix as the most competent adviser in such matters. But through all, Felix kept his wonderful humility and simplicity. He was accustomed to style himself "Ass of the Capuchins". Acclaimed a Saint by the people of Rome, immediately after his death, he was beatified by Urban VIII in 1625, and canonized by Clement Xl in 1712. His body rests under an altar dedicated to him in the church of the Immaculate Conception to Rome.
When he died on 18 May 1587 at Rome; so many came to his funeral that some were injured in the press to get into the church, and an extra door had to be knocked through one wall so they could exit; buried under an altar in the church of the Immaculate Conception in Rome.
We have a friary in Penang, housing a group of Capuchins. The patron of the friary is St. Felix of Cantalice and his Feast Day was celebrated with appropriate solemnity there. Come back tomorrow for a report.
1 comment:
Infilling of Holy Spirit to all Christians to love God and to remain united in one Body of Jesus Christ in every trials & to trust in Him for all supply of Divine grace, courage & protection. Pray unceasingly to transform all persecutors of Christ's people that the may believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of True God & Savior.
Heal painful past hurts of 4. Div.courage-good job.Gift-child/ couple.Transformation-RF,J,R,E,NM,MF.Grace-forgive/EM-JP.
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