I've been tagged teamed by Paul of Deo Juvante, Nick of Mysterium Fidei and Fr. Daren Zehnle of Servant and Steward to list my favourite hymns, so here it goes. You can click on the links for the Youtube versions where available.
Traditional English
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow -
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
We Stand For God
Holy God We Praise Thy Name
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Traditional Latin
Verbum Supernum
O Esca Viatorum
Ave Verum Corpus
O Salutaris Hostia & Tantum Ergo
Panis Angelicus
Te Deum
Salve Regina
Contemporary English
Amazing Love
You Are Worthy of My Praise
I Stand in Awe of You
Gentle Woman/Hail Mary
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
I now tag Mr. Smith, Mark of Ireland, Shellie of Profound Gratitude, Danny of Prodigal Son, Mrs. Jackie Parkes of Catholic Mom of 10 and Mac of Mulier Fortis. Cheers.
5 hours ago
I love O come, O come Emmanuel! Wonderful advent hymn.
Have you heard Elgar's Ave Verum?
Great choices; I'm still listening to your links.
Nice meme. I'll get right on it. Kinda like you and my book meme. Laughing!
This will be tricky. Most of my hymnal knowledge is of tacky CoE hymns. I shall have to think long and hard about this.
Elgar is great. In the school band, Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance was a perennial favourite.
Shellie... haha... hopefully not as long as your book meme... =)
Mr. Smith, take your time. Hymns are great and looking at my list, I found out I left our O Sacred Head... how silly of me.
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