The atmosphere of Purgatory was depicted using the more sombre tones Gregorian Chant while the sounds of Hell were brought to life using punk and heavy metal music.
It merely confirms what most people already know =)
I don't mind listening to chant while awaiting entry into the Beatific Vision and thence listening to polyphony for all eternity rendered by the angelic choirs. What bliss!

Exploring Heaven, Purgatory and Hell
By Catherine SmibertROME, JAN. 14, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Preparations are under way for the staging of a new musical based on Dante's epic exploration of heaven, hell and purgatory.
The Divine Comedy Opera is the project of Monsignor Marco Frisina, director of the Liturgical Office for the Vicariate of Rome.
During my visit to his office, the monsignor revealed that although his experience as a composer has taken him on a variety of adventures -- from working on projects commissioned by Pope John Paul II to writing film soundtracks -- this project has proved one of the most daunting.
"I'd considered doing it for a while but had never felt enough courage to deal with the grand literary text," he said. "It was Pope Benedict XVI who gave me the necessary key."
Monsignor Frisina said he was inspired by the reference to Dante in Benedict XVI's encyclical, "Deus Caritas Est," and the Pope's discussion of the human search for the love of God.
"It's love with a capital 'L,'" said the 52-year-old priest. "The Holy Father's words underlined for me the importance of presenting this spiritual journey and demonstrated how this medieval text is so applicable to our contemporary world."
With the assistance of literary and theological experts, Monsignor Frisina adapted the classic lyrics to music, often as indicated by the manuscript itself.

Monsignor Frisina added that "the work is artistic adventure involving many artists and will include around 200 performers and musicians, six projectors and a huge stage."
He says he's overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and interest he's received already by world media as well as from his production company.
The initiative has already obtained the patronage of the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies as well as of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
"I have a dream," the prelate explained, "that all people may have a desire for heaven and for God. I pray this musical production exploring the ups and downs of the soul of man in the universal language of music helps them to do this."
Rehearsals will begin this month, and organizers plan on hosting the premiere in November.
Money earned from the opera will be donated for the construction of new churches in the Eternal City.
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