I was out for a drive in a car with a Capuchin priest friend, sometime rather late in the night, when the car were were in crashed into another car. Stunned, we exited the vehicle, only to discover that the other driver was a Jesuit priest.
The Jesuit said, "You still look a little rattled, have another drink." And the Capuchin took another chug. "One more," said the Jesuit," and you'll be feeling fine again." The Capuchin, after taking a drink, said, "But Father, you're probably shaken up too. Why don't you have a drink." "I will," the Jesuit replied, "but I think I'll wait until after the police have come."
Haha! Very good, Andrew, clever priestiness.
On the subject of things Christian and Catholic, you might find this interesting:
The discussion following the news bit is particularly interesting, especially what some people say while also calling themselves Catholic. (Don't know about you, but I couldn't believe that someone who calls for girls to use 'role models that arent either the Virgin Godamn Mary or Britney' is a Catholic, but I might be wrong, what do you think?)
Sorry to leave a slightly OT comment, I would have emailed you about this, but can't find an email address for you.
Great post..very funny!
Mr. Smith, my gmail username is the same as my blogspot address, so feel free.
All I can say is that it's about time someone used the system against liberalism and relativism and sue the state. It's always Christian schools are being sued to put up a mosque or whatnot, so it's about time the reverse happened. I'm still waiting to see Christian pupils entering Muslim schools and asking for a Chapel to be set up for Mass to be celebrated. Wouldn't that be neat =) Using the system against them.
I'm glad that a girl has the testicular fortitude to do what the men did not. Kudos to her and a great huzzah!
Biby, I think that Jesus may have shared certain superficial similarities, been culturally influenced by the Essenes and may even have adopted their Passover date but he certainly was no alfalfa eating and pot smoking hippie. And I do not think the Essenes were either. The yoga bit was a real stretch of the imagination. LOL. I thought the whole thing a bit funny.
To know more about the real historical Jesus of faith and His claims and how we are sinners in need to redemption and how Jesus, True God and True Man accomplished that redemption and made it available through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church governed by the Successor of Peter in Rome, please read the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I hope to be able to welcome you as a brother in Christ. May the Lord Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life enlighten you and draw you to Himself.
Her testicular fortitude? Oh dear, I hope not! For one thing, her chastity would be much less singular and notable in that case, I suspect.
I'd love to know about your choir.
you have a great blog. I wanted to use a picture of Pope Benedict from your website, do they have a copyright?
Thank you. You're very kind. I don't think there is any problem in using the Holy Father's photos for non commercial purposes, so as long as you're not hawking them outside St. Peter's, I think it should be fine. I guess the final copyright holder for the Holy Father's images is the Holy Father himself =)
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